Eaten Alive!

By Jim (in 3rd grade)

It is hot in here! I fell inside a pool (is it a whirlpool?), and found there are many others just like me. They say they have been caught inside here for a long, long time. How long should I stay here??


Suddenly I am scooped up, with my fellows, and I am now taken out of the hot pool and wrapped with paper. A red blob falls on top of me.


“What is this?!”  I am being put in a strange hole.

“Oh no, help!!!!” I fall into a cave now. The floor is soft and spongy, and has rough bumps on it. Large white rocks crush and squeeze me up. Slimy stuff drips from the ceiling. Suddenly, the floor pushes me toward another hole at the end of the cave, past a red dangling, thick drape and I am sliding down.

Whoosh! I am moving down a long slippery, slimy, snake-like tunnel going straight down squeezing me like a very uncomfortable water slide.  

Splash! I finally arrived into a pool full of hot burning soup. It is as hot as a sauna.

I see Mr. Cheeseburger. He has been eaten alive too, just minutes ago. Mr. Cheeseburger doesn’t look too good.  He was probably thinking the same thing about me. I look around and see two pieces of my own body floating around me, as if trying to reach me to join together.

Whoosh! Now I am sucked into another long winding tunnel which reminded me of a dizzy rollercoaster ride.

“Oh no, not again!” I am breaking into smaller pieces.. The slide of the tunnel is spongy and tickling me. I turn around and see my brothers following me. They are also badly burnt and smaller.

Flump! Now I am in a very dry tube which stinks!! I get very dry. It is as hot as a desert. Where did all the Coke this boy drink disappear?  

Whew! Water is being sucked out of me.

“Ouch” I am squeezed into a very smelly tube. It is even slinkier than before.   There is an opening on the bottom. “Is this the end of the tunnel?” I think this scary journey is finally over. The hope opens and I finally came out to see…?