For Tomorrow By Jeanie Kim (내일을 위해_Part 5)

Planning Ahead

I have been living a carefree life. I have parents that love and care for me. I have had a lot of fun experiences like going to summer camp or maybe going to a different country. I have lots of friends. I went to a pretty good school. I had never thought about or really cared about the future.

I used to think, “What more else is there to life?” I have learned that there is a lot more to life that just “living in the now”. I am still a pretty young age. I am only 13. I have my whole life ahead of me. I didn’t take time to think about the future. I used to think to myself, “I have a lot of time. I don’t have to start now.”

I have learned at Naeil School that it’s never too early to plan ahead. Doing projects like “What is the price of one hour?” and “If I was a tree…” helped me discover that thinking and planning for the future is important and very useful. As I did these projects, I started to think that planning for the future at a young age isn’t a bad thing, starting sooner can just give you more time to plan.

Who is the person I hope to be in the future?

Before coming to Naeil School, I never really thought about the future. While living in the US, the future seemed so far away. I didn’t feel as if I had to start planning now. I think that one of the main reasons I didn’t feel that I needed to plan was that I was scared of the future. I am scared of what lies ahead of me.

I sometime like to imagine my future self. I like to image what I would be doing in the distant future. Like where I would live, what I would look like, what kind of job I would have? There are times when I imagine what the worst possible future for me would be. Thinking negatively about the future makes me nervous to grow up and be on my own. I have been trying to not think negative and think positive.

While being at Naeil School, I was given a task where I had to create a tree based on myself.  I had to assign character traits to the parts of the tree like the roots or the leaves. I created a tree based on my future image. I created a tree that shows how I want to be when I grow up. I am going to use the tree that I made to represent my future self.


Before I started this writing project, I have never really thought about myself with a lot of depth. I never thought about how I want to live in the future. I got to know myself as I did this project and I’m glad I did. So now I can continue to live life with a goal.

The End

1 Comment

  1. Diane040611

    Despite being a young writer at the time this was written, Jeanie used perfect sentences to describe her feelings.
    I wish Jeanie the best to achieve her dream!

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